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Saturday, May 22


Today brings me to a place I shall call....MEMORIES of the past!
I can remember being so thrilled this one spring morning because as we often did,  mama, daddy and Jack, my little brother, were outside sitting on the front stairs of our porch. The sun was shining, grass was green and the air was fresh.  We were talking and one of our neighbors, Mr. Thornton, came walking down the sidewalk and right up to us.  He sat and visited for a time and then stood to leave.

As he did a big bird came flying by and dropped a worm right on Mr. Thorntons' shoulder.  We laughed so hard, enjoying the sight when suddenly this bird came swooping down just chattering and tried to find the worm.  At that our Neighbor said..."Well guess it is time to go, next time he might drop some doo-doo on me".   

I think of that time often remembering how times were so simple and neighbors were really neighbors!